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˅ Exhibition Overview ˅

Exhibition program day 2 of acoustex

Find out more about the programme of Wednesday, 02.10.2019 with the main topics: Architecture, Traffic and Industry.

Zeit Programmpunkt Ort
10:00 bis 16:00


selected and presented by raumPROBE

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North NE.A08, materialACOUSTICS
10:30 bis 11:00

Integral planning and construction as the basis for the planning, development and operation of innovative and future-proof office real estate Lecture is in GERMAN

Jochen C. Renz

Renz Solutions GmbH

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Architecture Room London / Brügge
10:30 bis 11:00

SOUNDDESIGN as an active design field

Prof. J.U. Lensing

Fachhochschule Dortmund Fachbereich Design

Day 2, Industry

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Industry Room Bergen
11:00 bis 11:30

Noise action planning according to the EU Environmental Noise Directive Lecture is in GERMAN

Matthias Hintzsche

Federal Environment Agency (UBA)

Day 2, Traffic

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Traffic Room Nowgorod
11:00 bis 11:30

Forecasting procedure to ensure low-noise workplaces and acoustically optimized workplaces Lecture is in GERMAN

Michael Böhm

DataKustik GmbH

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
11:00 bis 11:30

Auditory Augmented Reality in production (AARIP) - An FFG research project within the Immersive Media Lab at St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences Lecture is in GERMAN

Prof. (FH) Dr. Michael Iber

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Day 2, Industry

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Industry Room Bergen
11:30 bis 12:00

Sound insulation in buidling constructions Lecture is in GERMAN

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Rabold

Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
11:30 bis 12:00

Health effects of environmental noise - WHO guidelines on environmental noise 2018 Lecture is in GERMAN

Dr. rer. nat. (D.Sc.), Dipl.-Psych. Dirk Schreckenberg


Centre for Applied Psychology, Environmental and Social Research

Day 2, Traffic

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Traffic Room Nowgorod
11:30 bis 12:00

Vibroacoustic quality cotnrol with Laservibrometers - Reliability without pseudo scrap during quality control in the production line Lecture is in GERMAN

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Schmälzle

Polytec GmbH

Day 2, Industry

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Industry Room Bergen
12:00 bis 12:30

Airborne sound analysis as a non-contact method for predictive maintenance Lecture is in GERMAN

M.Sc. Tobias Clauß

Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT

Day 2, Industry

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Industry Room Bergen
12:00 bis 12:30

New regulations for increased noise protection in residential construction - What is owed under private law? Lecture is in GERMAN

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Martin Schneider, University of Applied Sciences Stuttgart

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
12:00 bis 12:30

Acoustic design possibilities in urban space Lecture is in GERMAN

Prof. Dr. André Fiebig

Technical University Berlin -

Field of work Technical acoustics

Day 2, Traffic

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Traffic Room Nowgorod
12:30 bis 13:00

Modeling and calculation in acoustics - applications in material design and acoustical design Lecture is in GERMAN

M.Sc. Tobias Ring

Technical University Braunschweig - Institute for Acoustics

Day 2, Industry

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Industry Room Bergen
12:30 bis 13:00

Footfall - a liability case by the jurisdiction Lecture is in GERMAN

RA Marion Kenklies

Einfach Recht bekommen


Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
12:30 bis 13:00

Noise protection walls made of stone basket modules - design principles and regulations - Lecture is in GERMAN

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Bauwesen Ottmar Schielke

Franken-Schotter GmbH & Co. KG

Day 2, Traffic

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Traffic Room Nowgorod
13:00 bis 13:30

What to do about the "quiet noise" and dissatisfied employees in office space? Approaches from applied research Lecture is in GERMAN

M. Eng. Benjamin Johannes Müller

Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
13:30 bis 14:00

The Hamburg Window and how it came about Lecture is in GERMAN

Bernd Kögel


Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Forum Architecture Room London / Brügge
14:00 bis 14:30

More space through acoustics - how acoustic screens and absorbers create agile working environments - Lecture is in GERMAN

Dr. Ing. Georg Wiesinger

BPE Dr. Wiesinger GmbH

Day 2, Architecture

In Terminkalender übernehmen
Entrance North, Architecture Room London / Brügge

The exact programme for the second day of the fair can be found here.

Are you interested? - Click here to go directly to the ticket shop.

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