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˅ Exhibition Overview ˅



The Centre d'information et de documentation sur le bruit (CIDB) is a non-profit organisation with the main task of providing information, awareness, documentation and training on noise protection.  The CIDB was founded in 1978 on the initiative of the Ministry of the Environment and is the preferred contact for the public and for public and private organisations active in the field of sustainable environmental management. 

Picture: DAS BÜRO

Das Büro

'Das Büro' is the only German office magazine which covers the entire spectrum of office related topics. 'Das Büro' informs decision-makers about outstanding developments regarding office culture, office equipment, office technology and office supplies, focusing particularly on ergonomics, health, design aesthetics, quality, innovation, sustainability and economy. 'Das Büro' is competent, compact and complete.


Since September 2015 OFFICE ROXX („the official office blog“) has been the only blog which provides information about modern offices in all its facets. Its categories include office culture, office equipment, office technology and office supplies. Featured are news, product recommendations and comparisons, guest posts, user and fair reports, checklists, tips, tests, press roundups, reviews and many more.

Picuture: Logo Quiet please!

Quiet please! – The acoustics campaign

The acoustics campaign Quiet please! advocates for better room acoustics. Using public relations activities, it creates awareness for chances and necessities regarding acoustically effective solutions. The network consists of many renowned partners, including experts, producers, retailers and institutions. Its advice is independent, competent and solution-oriented.

Privatbahn Magazin is the decision-maker magazine in German language. The magazine addresses itself to the German and European railway industry as well as their customers, to transport politics in German "Länder", in Berlin and Bruxelles, to universities, academies and research facilities as well as to special interest groups and organisations.

Logo: Bahn Fachverlag

Bahn Fachverlag GmbH

Bahn Fachverlag has been providing reliable, practice-based, specialist information for the purposes of training and further training since 1947. The programme - print and online - now revolves around publications that convey specialist knowledge of railway operations and railway technology and explain the overall context of the integrated systems that make up the rail network.


Bauphysik is the only German specialist journal dealing with all areas of building physics. The journal reflects topics like noise insulation and acoustics, fire protection, thermal insulation, energy saving building and interior climate and daylight.


md INTERIOR | DESIGN | ARCHITECTURE - the international platform for high-quality interior design and sophisticated furniture


Under the Eurailpress brand, a broad portfolio of publications for the rail transport industry appears, which are market leaders in German-speaking countries. Well-founded technical articles from all segments of the railway system as well as current news and background information are offered to specialists and experts as well as entrepreneurs and managers.

The job and carreer portal Zukunftsbranche Bahn makes rail popular as a job-locomotive. The yearly published handbook deals with all topics about basic and continuing professional development in the sector. Company-presentations enable job-starters direct contact to potential employers. You present yourself by editorial texts as an attractive employer and we make you visible.

Architektur Exklusiv

Architektur Exklusiv ist ein einzigartiges Fachmagazin für Architekten, Bauingenieure, Produkthersteller, Investoren und Projektentwickler. Mit einem Mix aus hochmodernen Bauprojekten, Produktneuheiten und innovativen Verfahrensweisen geben wir Ihnen einen exklusiven Überblick im Bereich der Architektur. Mit einer bundesweiten Auflage von über 19.460 Exemplaren und sechs jährlichen Ausgaben erreichen wir Entscheider in allen Lebenszyklusebenen eines Bauprojektes – vom ersten Ideengeber bis hin zum Gebäudebetreiber. Lassen auch Sie sich von Architektur Exklusiv überzeugen.

Logo: db Magazin

db - deutsche bauzeitung

The db is the oldest architectural journal in Germany and is one of the most important addresses among architectural titles. It filters the relevant topics of the building industry, provides background knowledge, questions critically, takes a stand and thus makes an essential contribution to the well-founded architectural discussion.

Logo: bba Magazin

bba - bau beratung architektur

Practical, solution-oriented, safe decision-making - the working medium for architects and planning civil engineers.

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