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˅ Exhibition Overview ˅

press releases

Dortmund's acoustex 2021 trade show cancelled

acoustex will not be held as planned this year on 24 and 25 November 2021. Despite the right signals, the timing of a restart and long planning lead-times mean it is still a little too early for the industry.

Dortmund, 17 September 2021 – The third acoustex trade show for acoustic solutions will unfortunately not be opening its doors at Dortmund's exhibition centre as planned on 24 and 25 November 2021. Even with recent developments and signals from political decision-makers in favour of holding events, the long-term planning behind a show of this nature is still very challenging for everyone involved at this time.

The subject areas addressed by acoustex will continue to be a firm feature of activities at Messe Dortmund, and will accordingly continue to be refined and developed.

Stand booking